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Please enjoy this channeled wisdom, in the form of an energy transmission™, to support you on your journey. Simply take what resonates, and leave what doesn't!

If you are new to energy transmissions, I invite you to learn more about them here


Listening Instructions

Please do not listen to this while driving! It is channeled and can put you in a slightly altered state. Please do find a quiet space to listen, and take some deep breaths before starting. Let yourself absorb the teachings as you rest. You will get exactly what you need from them.

After listening, please write an intention for yourself for the coming two weeks. Thank Grandmother moon for bringing it into being.



Shelly Burton


“What we’d like you to do is allow yourself to deepen. Deepen in what you are willing to do in your life, in terms of allowing the people that means the most to you a little bit closer.

You see, some of you think that if I just did more work, or more this, or more that, THEN I’ll be loved. But this is not true.

The only requirement that you have to be loved is to accept others where they are at, and yourself where you are at.

And if you can accept where others are at, and you can accept where you are at, you have the foundation for human relationships.

So today we encourage you to open up a little bit more, from where you are, to the belief that you deserve affectionate and supportive presences in your life TODAY.

That is all, Thank you.”