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Shelly Burton

“Taking a deep breath, and allowing yourself to settle into your body.

Gently gently gently opening to the recognition that you deserve support… deep deep support… for every courageous decision you make… [and] to embody more and more and more of what is true for you

We give you permission. I repeat. We give you permission to release all versions you needed to be… to appease the people around you

Trying to help them see

How lovable you were and how lovable you could be

If only you found the way

To acceptance you see?

We ask you to reclaim who you came here to be

The choice lies within

Through acceptance of yourself and your needs 

We now begin 

A new chapter,

A new story

Where life agrees with you

That you get to be the person now your body has asked you to.

For it does not lie

And deep down will not hide

The stories of what you really need for you

The answers are found in what feels harmonious for you

So we invite you to begin 

Allowing the voice from deep within

To speak as it needs to

And nudge you towards the reality just right for you.  

That is all, Thank you.”
