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new moon


Shelly Burton

“What does it mean to have a crown?

It means that you reign over the course of your beautiful life choices.

What does that mean? It means you make powerful decisions about what you are going to do, how you are going to do it, and why you are doing to do it. You do not make decisions based on what others want you, truly, to do.

So the crown is earned…(there is a reason it is called the crown chakra) because one reigns over their existence. It takes a high level of self-mastery to be able to break the comfort of following along with what has been. And to chose your own path, if you will.

Does it make you better than another? No.

But does it free you? Yes.

So claim your crown by choosing to walk today through one decision, or two, or four… the road most aligned to you.

That is all, thank you.”



Shelly Burton

“Opening up to realize that you are the one you seek. We repeat, you are the one you seek.

So may you feel so completely ready to step into the claim that, “I bring all I need into my world. I bring all I need into my world.”

What if you were so powerful that you definitely called everything you were wanting into your life? 

And you simply relaxed in enjoyment of the possibility of this happening? How would you feel?

Claim this version of you now.

This is my invitation to you on the new moon.”



Shelly Burton

“Taking a moment to simply release any rules that have been causing you to go beyond what is required of you in this moment. What do we mean?

Release any need to push, and push, and push, or hide from others’ expectations of you.

Release the rules that have made you go beyond what is the absolute right thing for you in this moment. 

What we have described is two responses to living your life according to society’s expectations:

1) Pushing beyond what is required of you, or

2) Hiding yourself away so that you don’t show up in possible reception of judgement… which can be received as feeling lack of acceptance.

So, on this new moon, we would like you to say: “The only decisions I’m interested in living my life according to are the ones that are right for me in this moment.”

Take a moment and decide, what do you really, really, really require in this moment? Is it tranquility? It is to pause? Is it support?Is it clarity?  

And then decide, “What two things am I going to do to secure that?”

That is all, Thank you.”



Shelly Burton

“Today is a new dawn, a new day. A time for remembering not only, we would say, history…. but the resounding essence of your being. What if remembering meant not going linearly through time — although this is most curious, to follow the twists and turns and goings-on of life?

But what if true remembering was to invite in the essence of yourself, into the moment?

And what if that remembering, led to memories of a new vibration? What if as you remembered your soul, you were able to revisit history… and see beautiful opportunities to love?

What if each point in your history took the vantage point from your essence, and you saw in it an opportunity to deeply deeply deeply love that teaching or lesson or beautiful experience?

We challenge you, on this new moon, to pick a moment in history to set the intention to: feel, to know your essence [in]… and to find the strength to choose to love whatever teaching there was in that moment.

And as you do this time and time again, you will find liberation.

That is all, Thank you.”



Shelly Burton

“Greetings on the new lunar cycle… approaching a portal of the equinox, where there is an opportunity for cementing your intention within the portal of frequency.

In the lead-up to equinox, where there’s a unique we would say in the energetic field of the planet, which is why the vehicle [Shelly] has been pulled into the location where she will be planted next, Sedona or thereabouts….

We invite you to crystallize one very simple request — not elaborate, with all the details of the thing you want. But the crystal clear emotion of where you want to go.

Now it’s much easier to picture the thing you want, than the feeling you want, but we would advise that the latter is imperative to the reality you desire.

“So how do I get to the feeling I want?”

Well, step out of chaos… Step 1. Go sit somewhere with the greatest solitude you can find.

Two, cement solitude into the body so you disconnect from feeling of who you’ve known yourself to be and who you want to become, habitually. Remember, it’s a new vibration so we must start from a pure state of being.

Then, what you can do is think about possible feelings… what it might feel like to have what you want… and keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going… until you feel the exact state in the body you wish to call in.

Once you’re in that feeling, you can feel good about having it. And then decide, this is what your life is absolutely, absolutely going to feel like. Then, you seek guidance towards that feeling.

So, you don’t arrive there by manipulating your way towards what you think you want. You work in partnership with the body, which will always give you honest feedback when heard from stillness. We repeat, the body will always give you honest feedback when heard from stillness.

And you move towards the feeling you require, and have chosen as your new moon desire.

That is all, Thank you.”



Shelly Burton

“On this new moon, we invite you to settle into a deeper sense that you are far more than who you have understood yourself to be.

What do we mean by this?

So much of your experience is rooted in the repetition of what has been. Yes, there is learning and there is growth, but so much of how you understand yourself in the world is based on history.

But how much does history truly, truly define you? Other than through comfort with experience?

What if there was a version of reality, of you, that was bursting with limitless possibility? And all that what required for you to meet these aspects of yourself was comfort in traversing outside of familiarity?

“But I like my routines!”

Of course you do, and we’re not saying don’t follow routines. But what we are saying is you are far far far greater than what your habits have chosen you to become comfortable being.

On this new moon, we invite you to start to contemplate: “Who am I outside of what I do?” “Is there anything I am pulled inquisitively to?”

Give yourself the place to explore and start to spend time a little bit more…

In the experiences that are so new for you,

And therefore introduce you back to inspiration of what’s possible for you.

That is all, Thank you.”



Shelly Burton

“Taking a deep breath, and allowing yourself to settle into your body.

Gently gently gently opening to the recognition that you deserve support… deep deep support… for every courageous decision you make… [and] to embody more and more and more of what is true for you

We give you permission. I repeat. We give you permission to release all versions you needed to be… to appease the people around you

Trying to help them see

How lovable you were and how lovable you could be

If only you found the way

To acceptance you see?

We ask you to reclaim who you came here to be

The choice lies within

Through acceptance of yourself and your needs 

We now begin 

A new chapter,

A new story

Where life agrees with you

That you get to be the person now your body has asked you to.

For it does not lie

And deep down will not hide

The stories of what you really need for you

The answers are found in what feels harmonious for you

So we invite you to begin 

Allowing the voice from deep within

To speak as it needs to

And nudge you towards the reality just right for you.  

That is all, Thank you.”



Shelly Burton

“Allowing yourself to feel super, super, super, super inspired to believe that a life that feels deeply, deeply ease-filled is possible for you.

And by ease, we don’t mean boring.

What we means is you’re so resonant with the choices you’ve made and clear on who you are, and so confident at communicating to others your requirements and naturally guiding your life towards outcomes you seek… that you create an experience of ease.

Now where does a lack of ease come from?

It comes from resistance to the circumstance you’re in.

Now, that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to enjoy every moment of life. But when you are more is dislike of what is, than in acceptance and then interest in how to redirect the path into a more resonant outcome, you will feel difficulty.

When you can allow what is to be, and then look for how you can guide the course of development of action towards a more resonant outcome, you are in the direction of ease.

So, this requires the ability to simultaneously notice when something is not resonating with you, whilst envisioning and strategically directing your decisions and conversation with others towards a better feeling outcome.

That is all, Thank you.”



Shelly Burton

“Opening your heart to a new portal, a new realm of existence, where there’s a sense of stillness, immutable stillness, in the very centre. A quiet, a permanent stillness… unmoved by temper, perception of loss, and so forth.

We’re going to invite you to meet the centre, the part that simply is.  For the point of, we’ll say, mind quieting is not only to clear your head, but we would say, to go deeper into your nature.


And this nature is found through still feeling.

What would happen if you wouldn’t interrupt the purity of your heart? What if its permanent, beating calm was the frequency in which you existed? Would you not find the ability to release reasons for suffering, blame, pain, etc.? This is not to say those emotions don’t mean anything, but they are not the enduring truth of your existence. They are minute responses to external occurrences in comparison to the grandeur, the enduring radiance of the calm in the stillness of your heart.

On this new moon, we invite you to return to the heart’s stillness. Feel its quiet strength. And know that when you feel from here, you amplify all your desires potently.

That is all, Thank you.”



Shelly Burton

Note: there is rain in the recording background, due to it being rain season in Costa Rica.

“Steadying into a rooted version of your heart. What if your heart had a depth to it beyond what you have known? Sure the qualities of the heart include: lightness, caring, openness, benevolence, reception, etc. But what if there was a level deeper? And those qualities could only be unlocked through the choice to respond to the perception of lack, loss, suffering, pain, etc… with compassionate care?

What do we mean?
We meant that what if there was a new level to your heart’s magnetism that one could only be gifted the realization of by having to transmute the greatest sufferings with compassionate care? Then, the wisdom available is immense.

We would like you to take a person, or person’s that you feel has caused you immense suffering in your life. Note the feeling they caused you. What is it specifically: hurt, wounded, alone, abandoned, etc.? And then take a moment to choose to understand that the only reason that was experienced by you is because someone did a similar thing to them, and they have not yet recovered emotionally. We’re going to repeat this. The only reason a person would do that to you is because someone did a similar experience to them, and they have not yet recovered. 

So could you now choose to, instead of pain, emit compassion for that person who certainly deserves a better experience? And wish they had it? That it was gifted to them? Could you care about them not having that?

And as you do this, notice what happens to the pain. When done authentically, it will make pain vanish. When done superficially, it will not. If you’re having difficulty accessing authentic compassion, then this is the work for self-healing that we would ask you to begin.

That is all, Thank you.”
