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Shelly Burton

“Opening your heart to a new portal, a new realm of existence, where there’s a sense of stillness, immutable stillness, in the very centre. A quiet, a permanent stillness… unmoved by temper, perception of loss, and so forth.

We’re going to invite you to meet the centre, the part that simply is.  For the point of, we’ll say, mind quieting is not only to clear your head, but we would say, to go deeper into your nature.


And this nature is found through still feeling.

What would happen if you wouldn’t interrupt the purity of your heart? What if its permanent, beating calm was the frequency in which you existed? Would you not find the ability to release reasons for suffering, blame, pain, etc.? This is not to say those emotions don’t mean anything, but they are not the enduring truth of your existence. They are minute responses to external occurrences in comparison to the grandeur, the enduring radiance of the calm in the stillness of your heart.

On this new moon, we invite you to return to the heart’s stillness. Feel its quiet strength. And know that when you feel from here, you amplify all your desires potently.

That is all, Thank you.”
