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Shelly Burton

“What does it mean to have a crown?

It means that you reign over the course of your beautiful life choices.

What does that mean? It means you make powerful decisions about what you are going to do, how you are going to do it, and why you are doing to do it. You do not make decisions based on what others want you, truly, to do.

So the crown is earned…(there is a reason it is called the crown chakra) because one reigns over their existence. It takes a high level of self-mastery to be able to break the comfort of following along with what has been. And to chose your own path, if you will.

Does it make you better than another? No.

But does it free you? Yes.

So claim your crown by choosing to walk today through one decision, or two, or four… the road most aligned to you.

That is all, thank you.”
