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Shelly Burton

“Letting yourself rise, and rise, and rise, and rise.

What if there was no chance of restriction? What if every form of your expression was received? Imagine this. Who would you choose to be? Not for notoriety, but for the feeling of authenticity. What does that mean? It means the form of your expression that feels naturally delightful, not because of praise or success according to an external party. But it is just naturally joyful to do.

I don’t know what that means.

On this new moon, the beginning of a new turn of an ancient cycle of tracking a body in the sky, we invite you to uncover a new layer of your being. You can find authenticity by following what naturally buoys you up. Reflect for us: What would I do joyfully, if I had no restraints and no rewards for doing it, externally? What would I do? And then take a moment to commit to doing that every day, as best you can, for the coming two weeks.

That is all, Thank you.”
