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Shelly Burton

“Opening up to receive permission to believe that there’s always an opportunity for reorientation in your life. What does this require? It requires the belief that there is a way things do want to go wonderfully for you. And a surrender to how that happening wants to occur.

So often we are so fearful of things not working that we attach ourselves to the form we’ve decided will work. And what that attachment does is it precludes the arrival of possibilities outside the one you’ve decided must be the way.

So if you’re ever finding, “this is not working, this is not working, this is not working”… pause and say: “There is a way that the outcome that is so wonderful wants to find me. “ [Ask Spirit:] “What outcome would you like? How is this going to work for me? I would like to know. I believe there is a way. I open to receive.”

And then you can stay in joyful anticipation of the way Spirit would like to bring you your wonderful outcome. Instead of frustration, or attachment to the way you have decided is the way that is going to work… just so the very rigid part of your feels satisfied in this moment.

Work from your higher self beloved, and understand that there is only flow towards that is wonderful, if you can stay open to it.

That is all, Thank you.”
