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Shelly Burton


“You are beautiful, blessed, held, supported and deeply celebrated 

We hold your light

We honour who you are

And we wish that you come to understand how deeply you are held

When you feel in doubt of yourself, It’s ok

Know that everything will work out your way

In time.

Are you willing to release the need to feel satisfied from everything being how you thought it needed to be?

Are you wiling to release the attachment to your perceived destiny?

And, instead, allow in divine chemistry.

For you set the intention, and then the Universe arrives to design the path that makes you feel most alive. 

[Transmission starts]

Allowing yourself to feel released from entrapment.

Allowing yourself to believe that everything will work, and all you need to do is connect to the steadiness… the stability inside. 

And from there, life works beautifully!

Things can arrive.

On this dark moon phase, what we want you to do is: 

Release the need to find security from knowing that things will work the way that you want them to…

And instead find security inside knowing that all will work out, and you are going to succeed in all that you do.

Everything that arrives for you can be beautiful.

That is all, Thank you!”