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Shelly Burton


Tonight is about centring…

Centring in your wellness

Centring in what’s required for you to feel okay right now.

What words help you to feel a little bit more steady in yourself?

Don’t worry about what’s required of you by anyone else.

Take a moment to just feel: “well, what do I need for myself?”

And it’s ok to have that need.

“How can I hear it, respond to it… respect it?”

You are a Divine being, a powerful Creator of your life.

And you deserve to have yourself — you true self, your inner needs — listened to and heard.

This is true.

So tonight…. [channeling begins]

We encourage you to hold steady in yourself as a priority.

It’s very easy to think you are prioritizing yourself, when really what you are doing is working towards what you think will make others respect you more.

But prioritizing yourself means: “what am I doing for myself to have a healthier story about who I am?”

“Tonight, can I take a moment to really dive in and appreciate the magnificence in me?” 

Not the pain, not the doubt, not the insecurity…. but the magnificence! Because where you felt sad, you can also claim happiness. 

You are capable of great transmutation beloved.

And just know that you are held in our love.

That is all, Thank you!”