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Happy Full Moon in Taurus! Please enjoy this channeled wisdom, in the form of an energy transmission™, to support you on your journey. Simply take what resonates, and leave what doesn't!

If you are new to energy transmissions, I invite you to learn more about them here


Listening Instructions

Please do not listen to this while driving! It is channeled and can put you in a slightly altered state. Please do find a quiet space to listen, and take some deep breaths before starting. Let yourself absorb the teachings as you rest. You will get exactly what you need from them.

After listening, please write an intention for yourself for the coming two weeks. Thank Grandmother moon for bringing it into being.



Full Moon Transmission :: Oct 24, 2018
Shelly Burton


"Opening up to understanding that you are not capable of ever being other than who you are in truth. You can think you are not being fully you, but you can never be completely separated from who you are. All that happens is that you resist, in part, the force of your nature. And this resistance has been taught to you. You have been taught to focus on things to measure progress, rather than intuitively as the vehicle [Shelly] would say, we would also say impulse wise, reflecting on what moves you.

At the end of the day, the most valuable insights are the ones that move you to love, to accept, to include others.

That is all, thank you!”



Happy New Moon in Taurus! Please enjoy this channeled wisdom, in the form of an energy transmission™, to support you on your journey. Simply take what resonates, and leave what doesn't!

If you are new to energy transmissions, or have any questions about them, please read about them here before listening to the recording.



New Moon Energy Transmission: Apr 25, 2017
Shelly Burton


Listening Instructions

Let yourself relax, and lie or sit comfortably in a quiet space. Focus on your breath, and let your body absorb the words. It's ok if you miss a few words here and there. If your mind gets active, wondering how something could be true or if you've missed something, bring your focus back to stillness. Let that thought travel away, perhaps visualizing it moving down a river, and notice your breath. The message will be absorbed by your body, at the conscious and subconscious levels. Most importantly, please honour your body's process! If it wants to sleep, that is ok!


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